About Me
Good writing can transport your audience to the mental destination of your choice. And once you’ve captured their imaginations, you’ve won their business.
How do I know? When I was a kid, I used writing to escape the world around me. I wrote vivid stories so that I didn’t have to think about my empty stomach or the school bullies. Copywriting is a way for me to tell your story, and I bet it’s just as cool as all those dragons in my 5th grade notebooks.
Good writing can catapult you into the next income bracket.
How do I know? Because I wrote myself out of a small town and into top colleges, competitive jobs, and board positions, and I can do the same for you. Resumes and cover letters are keys just waiting to unlock your potential – and together, we can open so many doors.
Good writing can put you on the map.
How do I know? In Morocco, I wrote grants that helped transform my host village's youth center from an unused building into a bustling community asset. With my words and your expertise, we can sing about what you’re doing from the rooftops and people will listen.
In short, writing is the way I make my mark, and it would be my absolute privilege to help you make yours.